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Examples of Photos of Posters and the Locations

Physical Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

These images are of computer folders full of physical posters (both science-fiction and/or fantasy-themed and some that are not). They have different sizes, materials, designs, and iconography and are displayed on the walls of my room (Wide shots from above).

Physical (Wall) Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #1
Poster Information (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #2
Physical (Wall) Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #1
Poster Information (Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #2

Digital Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

This image is of a computer folder full of digital science-fiction and/or fantasy-themed posters. Some are original and some I edited and cropped. They can be displayed on digital devices (desktop screen, laptop, mobile phone, tablet and television) as wallpaper.

DIgital Posters V2.png
Poster Information (Digital) #1.png
Poster Information (D #2).png
Poster Information (Digital) #3.png

Wide shots of Location

Wide shots of Location

Physical Science-Fiction and/or Fantasy Posters

Physical (+ Digital) science-fiction and fantasy posters are displayed in a room.

Side of the room (by the wardrobe)
Side of the room (by the window)
A close up shot of the wall display of posters.
Photo of the entryway and wardrobe.
Photo of window area and laptop screen.
Photo of the window area with posters displayed on the left wall.

Wide shots of Location

Digital Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

Digital science-fiction and fantasy posters are displayed in a room, including digital images.

A digital poster displayed on a desktop screen as well as physical posters on the walls.
A digital poster displayed on desktop screen taken from a sitting position at the desk.
The digital posters displayed on the laptop and desktop screens, and physical posters as well.
The digital posters displayed on the desktop and laptop screens when sitting at the desk.

Physical Posters in Storage

Wardrobe (Storage)

Physical Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

The wardrobe is where the tube and folder full of Physical Science-Fiction and/or Fantasy Posters are kept in storage.

The wardrobe (as seen in the Wide shots of the room).
Inside the wardrobe where the tube and folder are kept.
Close up of the Tube and Folder kept in the wardrobe.

Storage Folder

Physical Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

These images are of computer folders full of physical posters (both science-fiction and/or fantasy-themed and some that are not). These are all in storage (not displayed on the walls) and are A4 or smaller in size.

Inside Folder
(Folder) Physical Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #1
Poster Information (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters) #2
(Folder) Physical Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters)

Storage Tube

Physical Science-Fiction & Fantasy Posters

These images are of computer folders full of physical posters (some are science-fiction and/or fantasy-themed while others are not) including the Tube itself' These posters are all in storage (not displayed on the walls) and are A3 or larger in size.

(Tube) Physical The Tube and Inside it
(Tube) Physical Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters)
(Tube) Physical Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters
Poster Information (Not Sci-Fi & Fantasy Themed Posters)

Other Objects with Posters on them

T-Shirt (Star Wars: New Hope)

This is an example of a science-fiction and fantasy poster on another object a T-Shirt other than a poster (e.g. paper).

T-Shirt (Star Wars: New Hope)
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