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If you are an adult (18+) owning physical (i.e., paper, card, canvas etc) and/or digital (i.e., wallpaper on devices such as a laptop, tablet, desktop, and mobile phone) science-fiction and fantasy film and television poster(s) could you please complete my online survey?

Your views and insights will be useful in understanding the significance of science-fiction and/or fantasy posters for individuals and groups as a source of cultural significance and meaning.

**The Online Survey is below**

JISC Online Survey Direct Link 

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The Layout of the Online Survey

The online survey will be made available from 18th Jul​y 2022 to 28th February 2023.

The questions are structured questions with answers set out as multiple-choice tick boxesOnly physical and only digital science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) are similar in questions but have questions that are specific to physical and digital posters. 

In the online survey, you will be asked a question to choose 1 of the 3 (Physical, digital or both) that is relevant to you or that you wish to discuss.

Once you have chosen your answer you will be directed to the set of questions about the poster type you have chosen.

There are 3 ways you can fill out this survey by poster type:

1. Only physical science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s)

(i.e., paper, card, canvas etc)

a)   About your physical science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (12 questions)
b)   Significance of your science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (4 questions)
c)   About you (8 questions)
d)   Want to talk more about your science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s)? (1 question)

Total questions: 25 questions
Length: 25-30 minutes

2. Only digital science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s)

 (i.e., wallpaper on devices such as a laptop, tablet, desktop, and mobile phone)

a)  About your digital science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (9 questions)       

b)  Significance of your science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (4 questions)       

c)  About you (8 questions)       

d)  Want to talk more about your science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s)? (1 question)

Total questions: 22 questions

Length: 25-30 minutes

3.  Both physical and digital science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s)

a)  About your physical science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (12 questions)
b)  About your digital science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (9 questions)
c)  Significance of your science-fiction and/or fantasy poster(s) (4 questions)
d)  About you (8 questions)
e)  Want to talk more about your science-fiction and fantasy poster(s)? (1 question)

Total questions: 34 questions
Length: 30-40 minutes

If you want to know more about the online survey you can download the 'Participant Information Sheet'.

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