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Photos of the Posters & the Locations

A key resource for my research will be photos of your posters and where they are situated.

In-Person (Face-to-Face)

I will take the photos, with your permission, if we are able to meet in person at the place where your posters are displayed.

Video Call

I would be very grateful if you could please provide the photos for me, to give me a good sense of how your poster are displayed –

  • Close-ups of individual posters

  • Wider shots to give a sense of where they are positioned in relation to one another and in the room.

What is to be Photographed?

On the subpage 'Examples of Photos of Posters and the Locations' are examples of the photos of the posters and where they are situated. 


Please supply these in either PNG, JPG format or in a Word or PowerPoint file.


Blurring Photos - Feel free to blur anything in the photos you don’t want me to see or to be used in the study (please let me know if you have done this) or I can blur the photos for you and send you a copy.

With your physical poster(s) could I/you take close-ups shots of the individual physical poster(s).

If possible, I would also appreciate it if you could please send me copies of any digital posters. If you have any poster(s) not on display (in storage, for example), I would appreciate if you could also take photos of these if possible.

The Wider shots give a sense of where they are positioned in relation to one another and in the room, I would appreciate it if I/you could also take photos of the location if possible.

If you have any poster(s) not on display (in storage, for example), I would appreciate if I/you could also take photos of these if possible.

If any of your poster(s) are displayed anywhere else, such as on a t-shirt or a mug, photos of these would also be helpful.

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